New Americans Program & Middleburg Communities

Middleburg Communities & The Lutheran Services Carolinas have teamed up to provide housing for refugees in the New Americans program. Lutheran Services Carolinas is a faith-based health and human services organization serving North and South Carolina. One of their most important programs is called the New Americans program. This program welcomes refugees and immigrants and helps them transition into a new life and a new culture. Middleburg's role in this program is to provide housing to these people. Middleburg also helps by waiving application fees, credit checks & other fees that other management companies charge and check for which would make it hard for the clients of the New Americans program to find housing.

Middleburg has been involved with this program for about a year now and has already housed several families. These families have enjoyed safe, affordable, clean & comfortable housing. Recently in an interview with a client, he stated "I like my apartment (at Creeks Run) a lot. It is very good and the area around here is also very nice. The staff here are very friendly and are always available to talk and help me. It is safe here and I'm so happy to be here.'' Middleburg is proud of this partnership and will continue to be a partner with The Lutheran Services Carolinas. To find out more about Lutheran Services Carolinas please visit their website at